28 April 2013

Sunday Skyping with Rosie

Silly Rosie.

She loved being upside down, and she loved saying 'upside down'. 

A current favorite book.  And no wonder why.

A quick game of peek-a-boo and then goodbye until next week.

21 April 2013

Sunday Skyping with Rosie

Today Rosie was prepared for me with a book of colors.  We talked about her favorite colors -- which are pretty much all of them.

Then she got 'Angelina Ice Skates'.

Then she got close so we could have a little chat, Rosie style.

She helped her Dad put clean clothes on hangers.

 She modeled her Easter bunny ears.  She also showed me how the bunny hops but action shots are tough with still pictures.

 Keeping with the bunny theme she put the dancing bunny on the John Deere tractor.

And then she blew me a kiss goodbye.

14 April 2013

Sunday Skyping with Rosie

Rosie showed me so many things this week.

She drew me a picture ...

... and we discussed the crayon colors.

She showed me some spin art that she did while at daycare lastweek.

She modeled her very stylish sunglasses.

I picked up my phone and we had a little conversation.

She checked her messages.

We had a chat.

She got silly.

And she blew kisses to me when we said goodbye.

07 April 2013

Sunday Skyping with Rosie

Rosie read a lot of books for me today.  

The last book was 'Angelina Ballerina'...

... which led to dancing with her Dad.

01 April 2013

Easter Update

My Skype pictures of Rosie in her Easter finery were pretty grainy so  Gus sent a much clearer one that I posted this morning.  I knew there was something very familiar about Rosie in her latest photo so I located this one of Gus which was taken in December 1982 when he was 10 months old.  Rosie is now 20 months old but the likeness can't be denied.