24 December 2011

Christmas Eve Miscellany

In the past couple of days I have received some totally unrelated pictures.  All are from different centuries but all are family.

Here's a picture of Meara's Mom, Mary Ann holding Rosie, and Meara's brother, Kevin, and my Gus.  Gus is holding a gift basket from Putnam's Market in Saratoga NY.  Gus worked at Putnam's when he & Meara started dating.  And Putnam's catered their wedding.  Every year I send a Putnam's basket to our West coast family.  

My sister sent this picture of our great-great grandparents, Herman and Minna.

Also from my sister.  Here are my cousins Joyce and Doreen, with me when I was 6, in the summer of 1959.

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