28 April 2015

Is It Pterodactyl Season Yet?

I spent most of the winter moving.  It was an especially snowy winter in the northeast.  Because of the cold and the snow I seemed to always use the back door.  On the rare occasions I used the front door, all I saw was snow.  Now that I am finally moved in, and the weather is almost Springlike, I am walking around my new neighborhood every day that I can.  I have recently noticed what looks from a distance like a mound of hay.

Upon closer inspection, I know that it is not a hay mound.  But I am not sure what it is.  All of the other apartments have pretty normal evergreen shrubs.

Mine is not normal, and it is surely not evergreen.  So I'm thinking it is a nest, a very large nest.  When the Pterodactyl returns to roost, I will take more pictures.    

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