26 May 2012


One of the blogs I follow is 'written' by Roddy the Black Labrador.  Roddy lived in England with his 2 devoted owners who rescued him from the 'dog home' (as Roddy called it). His blog has always been filled with his stories and adventures, and the many lovely people he has met along the way.  For obvious reasons I have loved this blog, and I've come to love Roddy.  This morning I read Roddy's last posting - he died on May 24th after a long and happy life.  As I sat here crying for Roddy, Blackie and Lucy each came to me and put their heads on my lap as if they know the reason for my tears.  Both will be getting extra love today, in honor of a very good dog who led a very good life.

1 comment:

Monty Dog said...

Thank you for your lovely comments. We are very touched that you visited Roddy's blog and enjoyed his adventures. We wish you well and thank you for introducing us to a new blog to follow for a while...... till we pick up the threads again with a new doggie..... one day. All the best. Roddy's 'mum and dad' xx